DOS USB print under Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows2000, Windows98  DOSPRN 2.0 
Dos print international support center DOSPRN Spanish dos print support center DOSPRN Ukrainian dos print support center Dosprinter Polish support center DOSPRN Israel dos usb support center DOSPRN Bulgaria dos print support center Indonesian DOSPRN support center Indian DOSPRN support

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    • How can I print a DOS-file?

      Open the main DOSPRN window. Press "Print file", select a file which then be printed and press "Open" button.

      You can also print any file automatically. To do this, you can follow next ways:

      • copy your_file_name.ext prn
      • copy your_file_name.ext lpt1
      • print your_file_name.ext
      • copy your_file_name.ext %USERPROFILE%\prnspl1

      Here "%USERPROFILE%\prnspl1" is a name for DOSPRN job file by default.

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